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Our Surf hats are manufactured in China with our chosen supplier holding the following certifications:

Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) 

The BSCI in an industry drive movement that accesses workplace standards and confirms the following:

  1. Compliance with the nationally applicable laws. 
  2. Freedom of assembly and collective bargaining rights. 
  3. Prohibition of any type of discrimination. 
  4. Fair renumeration and set in accordance with the minimum wage.
  5. Setting maximum working hours at 48 hours per week and limiting overtime.
  6. No Forced labour
  7. No Child labour
  8. Provision of a safe and healthy workplace with good conditions of light, ventilation, fire prevention as well as up to date safety measured and a drinking water supply.
  9. Protection of the environment
  10. No bonded labour
  11. Ethical business behaviour
  12. Special protection for young workers.
  13. No precarious employment


This certification ensures our manufacturer’s supply chain maintain ethical and responsible practices via a data platform where companies can share information such as:

  1. Labour rights
  2. Health and Safety
  3. Environmental Practices
  4. Business Ethics


Our chosen manufacture partners with the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI). 

This Initiative exists to make global cotton production better for the people who produce it, better for the environment it grows in & better for its future development.

It is one of the worlds leading sustainability initiatives in terms of numbers with more than 2.2 million Better Cotton farmers spanning 24 countries.